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2018 - 2019


1 %

By 2021 mobile e-commerace will account for online sales

1 %

Of user will not interact with an unattractive website

1 %

E-mail marketing as a 4x higher ROI than social media, mail and paid ads


Create an easy-to-use website that works on all platforms and devices


Invest in content marketing and social media advertisements....Most importantly don't forget the power of email marketing

A/B Testing

Create variations of video marketing campaigns to engage users to develop measurable psychographic results


Create your buyer persona and then tell a story about how your product will add value to their lives

Brand Longevity

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The goal is to provide clear value at every turn. Not everyone will choose your brand and that is fine because you are looking for the right audience, so you can fit their needs the right way to keep them coming right back!